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Morgan upon reflection


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I was most vociferous in SFC's policy of letting our best players go, and was pleasantly surprised that Morgan stayed, though somewhat confused at Kruegers stance. I am sure he only did it to quell fans unrest, which included me.

I was wrong because I firmly believed that the best players of SFC were being "sold off"

So, for that I apologise (for what it is worth.) Poor excuse I know, but after committing £735 of my hard earned cash and then, just days after, watching the circus start, it bugged me somewhat


However, on the field of play, even only after four matches, IMHO, I genuinely think that Koeman has got, and welded together, a better SQUAD of players that Pochettino had, and we could well do better than eighth this season.


I would like to think that Morgan, upon reflection, can see the same, and come to the same conclusion

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With time we could arguably have a better 'team' as well. And I think that so long as Southampton can provide Schneiderlin with a good contract and a place in the France national team, there's little reason for him to want to move on. The board might see it differently if a sizeable amount of cash was involved, but that's a bridge yet to be crossed.


But, good to see some humility with regards to your previously held opinions, Richmond. I was also a bit miffed that the manager et al left almost immediately after I shelled out for a season ticket. :toppa:

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I was most vociferous in SFC's policy of letting our best players go, and was pleasantly surprised that Morgan stayed, though somewhat confused at Kruegers stance. I am sure he only did it to quell fans unrest, which included me.

I was wrong because I firmly believed that the best players of SFC were being "sold off"

So, for that I apologise (for what it is worth.) Poor excuse I know, but after committing £735 of my hard earned cash and then, just days after, watching the circus start, it bugged me somewhat


However, on the field of play, even only after four matches, IMHO, I genuinely think that Koeman has got, and welded together, a better SQUAD of players that Pochettino had, and we could well do better than eighth this season.


I would like to think that Morgan, upon reflection, can see the same, and come to the same conclusion

Why do you have multiple logins?

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I was most vociferous in SFC's policy of letting our best players go, and was pleasantly surprised that Morgan stayed, though somewhat confused at Kruegers stance. I am sure he only did it to quell fans unrest, which included me.

I was wrong because I firmly believed that the best players of SFC were being "sold off"

So, for that I apologise (for what it is worth.) Poor excuse I know, but after committing £735 of my hard earned cash and then, just days after, watching the circus start, it bugged me somewhat


However, on the field of play, even only after four matches, IMHO, I genuinely think that Koeman has got, and welded together, a better SQUAD of players that Pochettino had, and we could well do better than eighth this season.


I would like to think that Morgan, upon reflection, can see the same, and come to the same conclusion


So you still take credit for Morgan staying and you dont think that it had something to do with Koeman's stance that he wanted to build a team around him and Jay?



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I was most vociferous in SFC's policy of letting our best players go, and was pleasantly surprised that Morgan stayed, though somewhat confused at Kruegers stance. I am sure he only did it to quell fans unrest, which included me.

I was wrong because I firmly believed that the best players of SFC were being "sold off"

So, for that I apologise (for what it is worth.) Poor excuse I know, but after committing £735 of my hard earned cash and then, just days after, watching the circus start, it bugged me somewhat


However, on the field of play, even only after four matches, IMHO, I genuinely think that Koeman has got, and welded together, a better SQUAD of players that Pochettino had, and we could well do better than eighth this season.


I would like to think that Morgan, upon reflection, can see the same, and come to the same conclusion

Thems some powerful drugs.

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I was most vociferous in SFC's policy of letting our best players go, and was pleasantly surprised that Morgan stayed, though somewhat confused at Kruegers stance. I am sure he only did it to quell fans unrest, which included me.

I was wrong because I firmly believed that the best players of SFC were being "sold off"

So, for that I apologise (for what it is worth.) Poor excuse I know, but after committing £735 of my hard earned cash and then, just days after, watching the circus start, it bugged me somewhat


However, on the field of play, even only after four matches, IMHO, I genuinely think that Koeman has got, and welded together, a better SQUAD of players that Pochettino had, and we could well do better than eighth this season.


I would like to think that Morgan, upon reflection, can see the same, and come to the same conclusion


Saint Richmond whilst it is conjecture I believe that the board new a lot more than we think.


In my opinion the most important part of the team is the engine. Morgan is pivotal in all that we do. I believe he will be very difficult to replace and his worth far exceeds any bid we received.


Lallana whilst a good player was not a great player. Sometimes brilliant, but he also disappeared in matches. Tadich is a more consistent player. The board new that Lallana could be replaced.


Rickie has been replaced.


Lovren could be replaced. Good business.


Luke Shaw was sold to balance the books. We may regret his sale, but his replacement has not really reduced our level of football.


We don't know how good Chambers will be. That's the point. Maybe we will live to regret his sale, but Clyne is the better option and we do not miss him until Clyne gets injured and even then we now have options.


All in all I believe the board have done a fantastic job and should be congratulated.

Edited by Andy Durman
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I can confirm that our owner, Led Reid, Koeman were all keen to sell schneiderlin.


Hkoeman and our chairman were having quite a laugh opening lying about their intentions.


However, Ronald was browsing here, saw Richmond and others who really understand football were getting upset, Ronald described it as " Gee, they are really wetting their beds!"


They immediately changed their plans.


We are in Richmond's debt. Thank you.


No one could possibly have for seen we would be OK this season, I mean if you had been foolish enough to say there is chance we will be stronger you would have been a deluded fool. It was obvious club was for sale, and there was a firesale of players.

It would have been silly to think the club still had ambition and KL was interested just based on her support so far, fact she was getting more involved, smiling at games and staff games, the board saying club not for sale, club still going places, only selling players for prices way over their value, recuitinv as top world famous manager.


Well done bedwetters - you saved us!

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I would like to think that Morgan will see that playing with the best players week in, week out doesn't always create the best team and that big headed mentalities create conflict and thereby a team without spirit.


At least Adam Lallana would have played in every game when fit at Southampton. Now I'm not so sure.

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I wouldn't get your hopes up too much boys. This is nothing against Morgan, but whilst he's always going to put in 100%, the fact is that come the summer, there'll be teams offering to more than double his wages. We can't compete with that, and I'm afraid loyalty has a price for us all.

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I wouldn't get your hopes up too much boys. This is nothing against Morgan, but whilst he's always going to put in 100%, the fact is that come the summer, there'll be teams offering to more than double his wages. We can't compete with that, and I'm afraid loyalty has a price for us all.


Yeah money talks. I think the plan has always been keep him for another season and hope that JWP and Harry Red (see what I did there) are ready to step up come next summer.


But let's enjoy Morgan while he's here. Been my favourite player since we were in League one.

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I can confirm that our owner, Led Reid, Koeman were all keen to sell schneiderlin.


Hkoeman and our chairman were having quite a laugh opening lying about their intentions.


However, Ronald was browsing here, saw Richmond and others who really understand football were getting upset, Ronald described it as " Gee, they are really wetting their beds!"


They immediately changed their plans.


We are in Richmond's debt. Thank you.


No one could possibly have for seen we would be OK this season, I mean if you had been foolish enough to say there is chance we will be stronger you would have been a deluded fool. It was obvious club was for sale, and there was a firesale of players.

It would have been silly to think the club still had ambition and KL was interested just based on her support so far, fact she was getting more involved, smiling at games and staff games, the board saying club not for sale, club still going places, only selling players for prices way over their value, recuitinv as top world famous manager.


Well done bedwetters - you saved us!


Who was it that came up with #itshappeningbutnotasyouexpected or something similar? Haven't seen much of that lately .


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

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I wouldn't get your hopes up too much boys. This is nothing against Morgan, but whilst he's always going to put in 100%, the fact is that come the summer, there'll be teams offering to more than double his wages. We can't compete with that, and I'm afraid loyalty has a price for us all.


I expect Spurs were offering him a big wage hike this summer.


It all depends on how talks went when we told him he wasn't going. We may have said 'one more season', we may have said one more and you can go if a CL club bids, we may have said nothing at all about the future.


Either way, if he maintains goalscoring form this year he'll be attracting serious money from some really serious clubs.

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Seeing as St Richmond, Professor and St George stopped the club selling Morgan by writing something on Saintsweb it makes you wonder why this intrepid trio didn't act earlier in the summer.


It's there fault, through their lack of action, that we sold our stars and lost our manager.


We now know who to blame.

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Crab Lungs or Grey Crab or summat.


I tend to look at this forum for news. I find that if something's happening I will find out about it here first. The one thing that ****es me off is the forum characters who post their opinion as cast iron fact and give it the big "I am right....you plebs haven't a clue" and then disappear when they are proved wrong. You wouldn't think that we all support the same team would you?


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

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I tend to look at this forum for news. I find that if something's happening I will find out about it here first. The one thing that ****es me off is the forum characters who post their opinion as cast iron fact and give it the big "I am right....you plebs haven't a clue" and then disappear when they are proved wrong. You wouldn't think that we all support the same team would you?


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


Sorry. I am being naive.


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Difference next summer is that with a much bigger wage budget because of the transfer gains this summer we can afford to keep our best players. The problem this year was we had maxxed out the wage budget, couldn't compete on wages so had an auction to raise the highest fees. We converted some back into transfers and the rest went into the wage pot. Which explains why we got so many in on loan. Also under ffp KL couldn't really use capital this year but can next year. So we can pay Morgan hopefully what he wants next season.

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Glad to see others coming round to the "only good enough to get us to 8th" argument




FWIW we would have beaten Scousehampton if only our players had believed in themselves (and perhaps our support as well). Now we are seeing that belief flood through this team and we could be in for something special.


Last year we fell apart in (December I think) due to injuries to VW & Boruc, we were top 4/6 for a long time after a cracking start. THIS season we could cope with losing two of that quality and still turn in results - at least we'd cope better than last year IMHO.


I'll be beating the crap out of the Press in a couple of weeks about it. :smug:

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Morgan's tweet wasn't spectacular reading at the time, but who knows what was promised to him at the time?


Whatever. A big test of a person is how they react to bad news or a bollócking. The man clearly wasn't happy at not being allowed his move, but you'd never know it now. He has been excellent, seems to be enjoying what his new team mates can do, reflected in both form and goals.


The only worry I've got in the back of my head is that we've done a "Man Utd & Cristiano Ronaldo" and guaranteed a future move to achieve the present harmony. Nothing to back that up; just fretting out loud.

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If we end higher than Spurs (not impossible) maybe Morgan will lose interest in them, I think bigger clubs will come in for him, it would be hard to refuse PSG for example. But he should cost anyone £40m and more than that if he keeps goalscoring as well

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Morgan has said after the world cup, he did not want to struggle in a team and losing those players was hard to take


He added that we have bought very well, had a good start and everyone is happy and the club is still showing ambitions


He was worried the club was going to implode. Every fan he spoke to or communicated with was very worried. Had to ask questions


Apprehension quelled by new arrivals

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I tend to look at this forum for news. I find that if something's happening I will find out about it here first. The one thing that ****es me off is the forum characters who post their opinion as cast iron fact and give it the big "I am right....you plebs haven't a clue" and then disappear when they are proved wrong. You wouldn't think that we all support the same team would you?


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


To be fair to Crab Lungs, he's hardly ever on here, had been sitting on the information he gave for weeks already at that point, and almost everything he said was about retrospective activity anyway - it was an explanation of what had happened and what he'd been told about why it had happened - the only thing even remotely opinion-based was what he said about the club being sold, and he made it clear in the original post that he didn't know that to be the case but it was an assumption based on what he'd already heard.


Basically his information seems to have been correct, but the spin on it was that he interpreted it as being down to former players and manager losing confidence in the club post-Cortese, rather than, as I believe, a load of them being opportunistic and cashing in on a peak in their performances they felt might not be repeated, with the change in leadership giving them the perfect excuse to leave.


I still think the ownership has decided we're going to be a top half side, and will sell top talents and try to replace them every summer going forward though.

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Interesting that the tweet is still there, i.e he hasn't bothered to delete it.


I guess it would make little difference as its been and gone now, but interesting still.


Brilliant attitude this season though and is really improving as an allround player. If he could get 10 midfield goals this season then he will probably have his pick of the top European clubs come next summer, and no Saints fan, nor probably the club, would begrudge him that chance.

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Glad to see others coming round to the "only good enough to get us to 8th" argument




FWIW we would have beaten Scousehampton if only our players had believed in themselves (and perhaps our support as well). Now we are seeing that belief flood through this team and we could be in for something special.


Last year we fell apart in (December I think) due to injuries to VW & Boruc, we were top 4/6 for a long time after a cracking start. THIS season we could cope with losing two of that quality and still turn in results - at least we'd cope better than last year IMHO.


I'll be beating the crap out of the Press in a couple of weeks about it. :smug:


We could have gone top with a 2 goal win at Arsenal on November 22nd.


I'm fairly confident that our squad is comparable, not much better or worse than last season (the numbers in and out are fairly even), and our team - at the moment - is slightly worse than it was last season. Though I think they'll improve as they get to know each other's games to the point that we'll finish 8th-ish again. Our manager looks better because he's inherited the shell of a squad which already had a good base understanding of the pressing model, and he's added more tactical variance and newer systems on top so we're more flexible to react more successfully to what happens onfield during a match.


This is already a significant improvement on what I was saying about "lower mid-table" before Long, Alderweireld and Mane came in. Alderweireld in particular has some pedigree, though we're yet to see the "new" defence under any kind of pressure or need to make rapid decisions after Newcastle's feeble outing.

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Interesting that the tweet is still there, i.e he hasn't bothered to delete it.


I guess it would make little difference as its been and gone now, but interesting still.


Brilliant attitude this season though and is really improving as an allround player. If he could get 10 midfield goals this season then he will probably have his pick of the top European clubs come next summer, and no Saints fan, nor probably the club, would begrudge him that chance.


Morgan can go, anywhere but Tottenham or Liverpool.

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Morgan has said after the world cup, he did not want to struggle in a team and losing those players was hard to take


He added that we have bought very well, had a good start and everyone is happy and the club is still showing ambitions


He was worried the club was going to implode. Every fan he spoke to or communicated with was very worried. Had to ask questions


Apprehension quelled by new arrivals


So Morgan was bedwetting? Shouldve spoke to CBFry

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You would think after 7 years they could put his photo next to his profile though http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/team/ or am I the only one who cant see his photo.


He wasn't around on the "official media day" because it was in the immediate aftermath of being told he wasn't leaving when he was at 95% sulk, so there's no official photo OR video for Sky Sports - you'll probably see that his head has been plonked on "generic body" (like Alderweireld will have been, and like Osvaldo was last season) for the team line up on Sky's coverage.

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Listened online to the repeat of Morgan's French Radio interview. Connection was lost midway which enabled the presenter to say Morgan's been voted the Best Tackler in Europe as well as in England.


Morgan came across far more brighter in French than he does in English. His French nickname is MOMO. Talked about coming to England as a 18 year old in June 2008 and how he overcame the difficulties of a young lad settling in overseas. Said training is far more intense in England than in France where traditionally they have every Wednesday off. Koeman often has them doing double training sessions.


Still in contact with some former Strasbourg colleagues. Spoke about the World Cup and biding his time patiently to get into the team. Says Pochettino insisted he play more rigidly and defensively but Koeman is giving him more freedom and encouraging him to move up into attack, and hence him scoring.


It was only at the end that Southampton was mentioned and that he was asked: "So what was all this about wanting to leave at Southampton in the summer?" He merely said in face of the situation, of everyone wanting to leave and constantly getting negative feedback from supporters, he thought it was time to leave. It was a huge unpleasantness all summer for him personally When he was told he couldn't he felt very bitter, but things have changed and now the club shows immense ambition and he looks to fulfilling his ambitions with Saints.

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Thanks ART.


Although it's factually incorrect of course, Morgan was 18 and a half when he came here and I thought his nickname was Momo. That's what his Strasbourg team mates called him anyway. Bobo is what children call any sort of small injury or pain.

Anyway if you fancy your chance with "La langue de Molière" it's in here somewhere.



Starts at about 42 minutes I think

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