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Robbie Savage apologises to Saints fans


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about half an apology there after his final sentence!


Come on - you don't have to have been a bedwetter (is this right?) to have been a LITTLE bit worried for a while - firstly when it looked as if the transfer activity looked as if it was all one way, and later when the question was 'well, how good ARE all these new players, and how long will it take for them to gel?'


It was a rollercoaster summer. All of these pundits could easily have had their predictions come true, even if for the wrong reasons (and even a stopped clock is right twice a day).


I'm glad they weren't. I'm not surprised to see apologies, either - our success so far is too conspicuous for there not to be.

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I'm content to hear the pundits admit it when they got it wrong, it shows humility. But if they were as knowledgeable as they ought to be, then a closer examination of the remaining players should have told them that there was still quite a bit of quality left in the team, especially when Schneiderlin stayed. Even now in retrospect, there are still pundits who claim that the spine had been ripped out of the team, when it wasn't. The spine is usually talked of as the keeper, the CBs, the central midfield and the Strikers, but apart from Lallana, who wasn't arguably part of the spine anyway, we kept the best central midfielders and our goalkeeper. Anyway, all are adequately replaced or improved upon, so if we continue in this sort of form, we await Savage's rehashed forecast of where we will end the season.

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Lets face it most of our fan base thought we were f ucked this season so it's hardly a surprise that all the pundits tipped s to struggle. I doubt many clubs have ever had a summer like the one we've just had let alone then gone on to have their best start in 20 odd years.


Speak for yourself. For me the main concern was about how we spent the money we made through player sales. Koeman's team has so far proven my point, it's not about who you sell it's who you replace them with. Liverpool seem to be finding this out, having lost a striker who would terrify most Premier League defences they have struggled to cause anywhere near the same problems this year.

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I never thought we'd struggle - my own intuition (as uneducated as that is) was that we still had a lot of decent players remaining, and that we seemed to be investing one by one in players who were decent replacements. I thought we'd be in the 10th-14th area, as opposed to 6th to 10th. Of course, I could still have been right, it's early days yet.

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What most people (including people on this board) forgot is that the team spirit was the key to our success: and still is. We are greater as the sum of the parts as opposed to individual players who carry the team.


Obviously keeping Morgan was key but, for me, keeping Jose has proven essential as he is the heartbeat of this club and no doubt has been integral in helping the new players settle as quickly as they have.

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Sadly Robbie Savage is just a very poor pundit and clearly does very little research (just like his BBC colleagues Garth Crooks and Phil Neville).

We lost a few good players last pre-season and if we have a good season then that is very likely to be repeated. That's just football and I'm sure the board will have potential replacements lined up. I suspect the majority of Saints fans (excluding the obvious bed wetters) thought we'd be in 10th - 14th place when the transfer window closed.

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There's a place for Robbie Savage at the BBC, as cover for Ian Wright on the 606 phone in. There he can engage with the nut jobs that phone in by shooting from the hip with impunity, unfettered by the need to inform himself of the facts. I quite like him in a way. You could have a decent argument with him down the pub. But keep him away from MoTD.

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Speak for yourself. For me the main concern was about how we spent the money we made through player sales. Koeman's team has so far proven my point, it's not about who you sell it's who you replace them with. Liverpool seem to be finding this out, having lost a striker who would terrify most Premier League defences they have struggled to cause anywhere near the same problems this year.


If you look back at my posts over the summer I was pretty sure we'd be ok but I certainly felt outnumbered on here in that regard. Saints fans I know from outside this place were also generally pretty down on a chances.....but you're right it wasn't all saints fans hence the use of the word most

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I didn't know he had predicted us for relegation until he apologized for it.


Don't care that he did predict it , I don't care that he apologized for it either.



Quite a few of my mates predicted we would be relegated to. Should I stop talking to them and have a cry ?

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I didn't know he had predicted us for relegation until he apologized for it.


Don't care that he did predict it , I don't care that he apologized for it either.



Quite a few of my mates predicted we would be relegated to. Should I stop talking to them and have a cry ?


Yes you should present each one with a giant nappy and tell them you can't be mates untill they can keep the sheets dry:p

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He should apologise on behalf of the bbc for bringing garth crooks into our homes. Then he should thank garth crooks for making him look like a relatively good pundit. Then he should beat garth crooks to death.


Oh my word yes. Poor Garth Crooks. He's in a class of his own.

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I'm content to hear the pundits admit it when they got it wrong, it shows humility. But if they were as knowledgeable as they ought to be, then a closer examination of the remaining players should have told them that there was still quite a bit of quality left in the team, especially when Schneiderlin stayed. Even now in retrospect, there are still pundits who claim that the spine had been ripped out of the team, when it wasn't. The spine is usually talked of as the keeper, the CBs, the central midfield and the Strikers, but apart from Lallana, who wasn't arguably part of the spine anyway, we kept the best central midfielders and our goalkeeper. Anyway, all are adequately replaced or improved upon, so if we continue in this sort of form, we await Savage's rehashed forecast of where we will end the season.



Exactly, if they say they are pundits, surely a bit of research would have given them what is important to all the teams. It seems a bit lazy to rely on who is left in the squad. Doing a bit of investigation is not a foolproof approach but he'd certainly gain plaudits having stated something new and probably be more accurate in his predictions. The only issue which didn't help is not knowing the whole squad if he was predicting before a ball was kicked and the potential for further loses. Perhaps pundits should wait until the end of the transfer window before making a judgement.


I haven't a clue who is going down, it's pure guess work as I don't know much about the other teams and don't have the time to do the research. But I don't call myself a football pundit.

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I'm content to hear the pundits admit it when they got it wrong, it shows humility. But if they were as knowledgeable as they ought to be, then a closer examination of the remaining players should have told them that there was still quite a bit of quality left in the team, especially when Schneiderlin stayed. Even now in retrospect, there are still pundits who claim that the spine had been ripped out of the team, when it wasn't. The spine is usually talked of as the keeper, the CBs, the central midfield and the Strikers, but apart from Lallana, who wasn't arguably part of the spine anyway, we kept the best central midfielders and our goalkeeper. Anyway, all are adequately replaced or improved upon, so if we continue in this sort of form, we await Savage's rehashed forecast of where we will end the season.

He made his comments "before a ball was kicked". At that time Morgan looked to be a certainty to exit. The goalkeeper we kept, that would be the one now at Bournemouth I suppose. We signed 2 CBs after the first ball was kicked but before the transfer window closed. He is still one of the biggest bell ends in football commentary today, but to be honest at the time his prediction was not so stupid as some on here would care to make out. It is easy with hindsight to see that Tadic and Pelle are good replacements but there was precious little evidence before a ball was kicked. Anyway, we are doing well, but still very vulnerable to a serious injury crisis because of the very small squad. We won't be relegated, but come December/January we will likely have a repeat of last season in all probability, except we won't have Glasgow ramming it down our throats every 5 minutes.

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Why does he need to apologise?


Helps him fill column space doesn't it? I mean one piece tipping is for relegation then another saying sorry = 2 easy bits of 'journalism'


Wait it to see how we start the season before spouting usual drivel = no piece in paper = got to find some other drivel to write instead

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His excuse, that he wasn't the only one to think we might be relegated doesn't really hold water because he masquerades as a football pundit and made that statement as a prediction for the coming season. Not the same thing at all as discussions amongst fans.

It seemed at the time that he hadn't really grasped all the facts. The exodus of 5, bad as it was, was only 3, or possibly 4 first choice players, since Callum Chambers was second choice at RB and Rickie Lambert was going to struggle to be a No.1 choice for another season. Perhaps Savage hadn't noticed that Southampton had appointed a top quality European manager and had quickly replaced 2 of the 4 departures with equivalent players. The club had also stated the intention to bring in more players of similar quality. It is likely that very few people agreed with Savage's assessment then and all he has done now is make excuses which don't amount to an apology.

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He cannot apologise for being a tw*t - he just is


As has been highlighted by telegraph's Jonathan Liew http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/columnists/jonathan-liew/11054176/Match-of-the-Day-Robbie-Savage-represents-the-triumph-of-personality-and-opinions-over-perceptiveness.html


"RS opinions are like the weather - wait long enough and invariably will change"

Edited by whelk
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He doesn't need to apologise to us, he should be saying sorry to his bosses for not being very good at what he's paid to do.

Ditto the commentators who are working to the rules of football from 1968 and have clearly never played the game.


It was a very late flag....yeah, because he wasn't offside until he touched the ball.

But he got the ball....no, he came through the back of the bloke and then happened to touch the ball.

An amazing save....no, it was straight at him.

An unstoppable freekick...no, it was three metres inside the post.

He wanted it more.... no, he was just quicker and stronger and more technically sound.

But he was only just offside...yeah, that's called offside.

How can that be a penalty, it was ball to hand....cos the bloke had both hands out to block the cross.

That shot lacked belief....yeah, whatever.



Idiots, one and all.

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I'm content to hear the pundits admit it when they got it wrong, it shows humility. But if they were as knowledgeable as they ought to be, then a closer examination of the remaining players should have told them that there was still quite a bit of quality left in the team, especially when Schneiderlin stayed. Even now in retrospect, there are still pundits who claim that the spine had been ripped out of the team, when it wasn't. The spine is usually talked of as the keeper, the CBs, the central midfield and the Strikers, but apart from Lallana, who wasn't arguably part of the spine anyway, we kept the best central midfielders and our goalkeeper. Anyway, all are adequately replaced or improved upon, so if we continue in this sort of form, we await Savage's rehashed forecast of where we will end the season.


Yep - lwe only beat Arsenal because they fielded a 'weak team of subs' (mostly international players)

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