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Danny Fox joins Forest


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Quite Sad to see him go to be honest. Yes he wasn't Premier League standard but he was a big character in the dressing room. Some great memories of him on the last day against Coventry on peoples shoulders. That tackle in the snow at Birmingham, that goal at Arsenal. He may have lacked in ability but he always gave 100% and played for the shirt. Good luck Foxy

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On loan until the end of the season and then a permanent transfer, who'll be the target of the hate mob now?


As far as i saw it Danny Fox was never "targeted by the hate mob" he was quite simply nowhere near good enough for the premier league and nearly everybody could see that/got frustrated by it.


Of course that doesn't fit into the general hyperbole that this place is so found of, where you either have to be with something or against something (a bit like the Mccarthy trials in the states).

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slightly concerned about the lack of left back cover if Danny has gone, I know most people think he's rubbish but who else do we have? are we saying that the next in line from the youth team is ready?


I imagine with the emergence of Chambers the plan would be to stick Clyne at LB in the case of Shaw being injured/unavailable.


Also, is this the one out MP hinted at post-Arsenal?

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Good luck to him, thanks for playing your part in our rise Danny.


Frankly, better planning would have ensured that he wouldn't have been exposed at Premier League level, he probably should have left along with Hammond and Harding back in the summer of 2012. Not signing Buttner necessitated his stay.

Edited by Colinjb
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As far as i saw it Danny Fox was never "targeted by the hate mob" he was quite simply nowhere near good enough for the premier league and nearly everybody could see that/got frustrated by it.


Of course that doesn't fit into the general hyperbole that this place is so found of, where you either have to be with something or against something (a bit like the Mccarthy trials in the states).

Maybe not a hate mob, but he did get tons of stick at times, a lot of it unecessary.
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As far as i saw it Danny Fox was never "targeted by the hate mob" he was quite simply nowhere near good enough for the premier league and nearly everybody could see that/got frustrated by it.


Of course that doesn't fit into the general hyperbole that this place is so found of, where you either have to be with something or against something (a bit like the Mccarthy trials in the states).


Wanna bet?


BEST NEWS EVER. Total ffing liability in the Prem.


Not his fault he was hopeless.


I bet Dan Harding wont be pleased to see him. He had just got back in the 1st team over xmas and will now have Foxy picked ahead of him again.

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Would people really play Clyne at left back? He's totally one footed!


I'd have him out of position over Fox any day, Fox's positioning was shocking and he made some dreadful errors. Having said that, Fox was a decent player in the Championship and an important figure in our promotion. Never gave less than 100% for us, good luck to him at Forest.


Does this mean he will be pushing Dan Harding out the team for the second time?

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Would people really play Clyne at left back? He's totally one footed!

Yes. He has played in the position very well when asked to play there already. In fact he looked just as good at LB as he does at RB when he has played there. I have no qualms about Clyne playing LB if needed, but hopefully he won't need to unless Shaw goes down with Nandos belly again.

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People saying good riddance etc are c*nts. Not his fault he wasn't good enough for the Prem. Did a good job for us in getting us up.


Could not agree more with you!


He's actually a top bloke, really nice guy, well liked and did a great job in helping us get where we are now. He was also happy to be backup and Shaw obviously liked him and learned from his experience.


Hope Forest works out for him.

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Great guy and good pro - did a good job for us.


Who covers LB now?


Interesting that Katharina Liebherr said nobody would leave - the Lee, Sharp, Barnard, Fox and Martin all leave :lol:


Osvaldo out next please :)


As I said at the time it's all about airy fairy semantics. At no time did KL say no one would leave, she said we had no plans to sell any players in January...and we haven't. We could loan out the whole squad and she'd still be right.


We have also said that we have no plans to sell any of the squad during the January transfer window.

Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/statement-from-katharina-liebherr-1308712.aspx#vGTFReJrdP3x2HoL.99

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I'm only glad he's gone so people stop moaning about him. Hate it when the crowd gets on a players back and the collective sighing, tutting and groaning when he missed a tackle or made a bad pass was embarrassing.


Forest may get promoted so we could see him back at St Mary's next season.

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Good luck Foxy! As one or two other s have said he and Shaw had built up a great relationship and Shaw speaks very highly of him. This cannot be underestimated and unlike a mercenary he was a team player and a valuable part of that team.


Once a Saint always a Saint*





*with the exception of those that really were sh#t for us of course :p

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People saying good riddance etc are c*nts. Not his fault he wasn't good enough for the Prem. Did a good job for us in getting us up.


Agree totally. Always gave 100% effort, was really important in the promotion year and has been adequate cover in the Prem. He just can't match the very high standards we now have. He will be a good buy for Forest.


Thanks, Danny and good luck.

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In a classic 4-4-2 system Fox could be decent even in Premier League if he would have a midfielder helping and protecting him.


In our system fullbacks are often exposed with 2-on-1 situations and in that he is too slow and indecisive to make it work.


Probably better though for him to play in the championship, he´ll do a job there.

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