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Clattenburg Returns


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Anyone stupid enough to go and pay £42 to watch West Ham?


Well I thought I should give you forewarning of what you are in for in advance...


Clattenburg has returned! :mcinnes:


You can kiss those points goodbye.. I am surprised we have been given him again this season at any rate.



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Well, any shirt pulling in the box by West Ham players and I'm fully expecting Clot 'n' Berk to be consistent and award us a penalty.


But with luck, our complaints about him and his apparent victimisation of our club over severall matches historically, will have him walking on eggshells and predisposed on a 50/50 call to err in our favour in order to redress the balance and avoid us complaining to the FL about his anti-Saints bias.

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Can't believe we've got him back so soon.

He has clear history with us (Norwich H+A, Arsenal A, Everton A), ridiculous appointment.



take it up with the PGMOL, isn't the CEO supposed to be a fan of ours. You'd think he'd tell them to cut us a bit of slack with Clattenburg wouldn't you, unless of course he's not pleased about not getting the CEO job (yet) of course.

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this is the referee's revenge on Saints. I can't believe that he was chosen by picking his name of a hat. It's been done to teach us a lesson for daring to question their authority.


Of course... the games with WHam are amongst the toughest and most physically competative and I fully expect MC to strain his wrist reaching into his card pocket throughout the game...

.......though he's hardly goinmg to be brave enough to red card a WHam player - is he ....and forget the idea of getting any more penalties.

The history of these games- since the Championship season- are littered with yellow and red cards and don't expect him to do us any favours.:scared:


BUT NO ! ....maybe I'm misjudging him ...perhaps after watching the video of the Everton game, he's seen the error of his ways (and the blatant handball that he didn't award) and will apologise to Adam..:lol:


well maybe ....we 'll see.........

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Its seems a bit odd , ****tenberg doing this game , but the eyes of the media and his bosses will be watching this game very closely.

to see how he responds and if he is favouring the opposition


Whatever happens he will be under a lot of pressure during the game , I suspect his future as a premiership referee could well be decided on his performence on saturday

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He is a professional referee and won't let what happened impair his judgement. I'm sure he will want a non-controversial game. He always strikes me as a celebrity referee who loves the spotlight. Not my favourite ref by any means.


Who knows maybe we will get a 93rd minute penalty for a handball. Doubt it though.

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Best referee in England. Our complaint about him was ridiculous. Fun to whine though


I agree with that statement, but the reason behind it (no penalty given ) was nothing short of criminal ....he was standing so close. It was a stone-cold penalty and the player handled deliberately.


If you think Lallana was angry, I won't tell you what my reaction was .:suspicious:

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I agree with that statement, but the reason behind it (no penalty given ) was nothing short of criminal ....he was standing so close. It was a stone-cold penalty and the player handled deliberately.


If you think Lallana was angry, I won't tell you what my reaction was .:suspicious:


Yeah, that should have been a penalty. Clubs don't make a giant stink in the press every time they don't get a penalty that they deserve.

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I agree with that statement, but the reason behind it (no penalty given ) was nothing short of criminal ....he was standing so close. It was a stone-cold penalty and the player handled deliberately.

If you think Lallana was angry, I won't tell you what my reaction was .:suspicious:



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Yeah, that should have been a penalty. Clubs don't make a giant stink in the press every time they don't get a penalty that they deserve.


Although it was petty and embarrassing whinining on about it, it wasn't about the penalty was it, it was about the comments that were made to Lallana for daring to question the referees decision.


I don't like the ref, loves himself a bit too much but I reckon he'll be on his best behaviour tomorrow.

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Best referee in England. Our complaint about him was ridiculous. Fun to whine though


Well, you would say that, Mark, wouldn't you?


The best referees don't have any club bias, whereas a succession of controversial decisions awarded against us prove that not to be the case.

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Best referee in England. Our complaint about him was ridiculous. Fun to whine though


Well, you would say that, Mark, wouldn't you?


The best referees don't have any club bias, whereas a succession of controversial decisions awarded against us prove that not to be the case.

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Well, you would say that, Mark, wouldn't you?


The best referees don't have any club bias, whereas a succession of controversial decisions awarded against us prove that not to be the case.


Wild conspiracy theory: Maybe, just maybe, the referee is impartial, while the supporter on the Saints message board with more than 8000 posts is biased. Just a conspiracy theory though.

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Well, you would say that, Mark, wouldn't you?


The best referees don't have any club bias, whereas a succession of controversial decisions awarded against us prove that not to be the case.


To be fair several clubs and their fans have issues with him. Everton, Chelsea and Saints have complained about him. I read an article this week on a West Ham fanzine listing their grievances going back years. He has a bias. It's Newcastle Utd but he's declared that to the FA which is why he doesn't officiate their matches or Sunderland's. I've seen him referee well. He's been poor when officiating our recent matches. I wouldn't single him out. They're all onanists.

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Yeah, that should have been a penalty. Clubs don't make a giant stink in the press every time they don't get a penalty that they deserve.


I think MP and Adam tried to distance themselves from that particular criticism, it was more like Nicola Cortese's departing shot at KL.


Now we have been dubbed the cry-babies of the Prem.

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Lallana's was a foul but didn't warrant a booking, especially coming towards the very end of the match. Also, it looked like he was being fouled himself beforehand. All happened right in front of the referee. Can't say it was vindictive but it was unnecessary.


Something else I thought a bit odd was when, after one of their first half goals, Nolan went over to shout something to the dodgy linesman instead of celebrating with the others.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The second penalty against United looked pretty average. The third was just Sturridge being a diving pr*ck.


The third was dubious, even if Vidic was stupid for diving in, though Liverpool should have had a 4th pen and Rafael should have been off earlier.

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