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Saints: the next level


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We're obviously doing very very well, keeping possession, playing good attractive football. But what do we need to take us to the next level and see us push on for a Europa League (or better) next season?


I think we need another CB, CM, and Forward. Don't think we need, or will see a raft of signings in the summer, so long as we keep our key assets.


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We're obviously doing very very well, keeping possession, playing good attractive football. But what do we need to take us to the next level and see us push on for a Europa League (or better) next season?


I think we need another CB, CM, and Forward. Don't think we need, or will see a raft of signings in the summer, so long as we keep our key assets.


Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk


We won't get to the next level - Cortese has gone.

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I certainly feel that we now have the right management team in place to sail the good ship southampton calmly and efficiently on the next leg of its journey to our ultimate destination. With Katrina at the wheel, ably supported by Rogers Reading the maps and Les Reed holding the compass the ships crew has never been more united and focused and this has been reflected in their upturn in performance we have recently witnessed. Katrina has certainly driven us through the choppy water some were predicting and the iceberg that some were insisted we were about to hit a few weeks back appears to be little more than lost, wayward seal which has been clinically dispatched of as the ship continues its course unhindered.

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Some of our recent signings have helped get us to this level - Davis, Wanyama, Lovren, J-Rod, Clyne, Boruc have all been successful.


Less so, Lee, Dani, Gazza and Gaston.


So I think we should be confident that we can bring in more good players. Personally I would prefer to bring in another strong CB to give us a choice of 4 - alongside Fonte, Yoshida and Lovren. Jos has been a good servant but isn't going to help us move up another level (imo)

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Keeping Pochettino and the players is key. We also need stability behind the scenes, whether that be with Ms Liebherr, Mr Cortese or whoever. In addition to all that, we do need a couple of signings in key areas, namely CB, AM and Str, and possibly a GK eventually.


That's a lot to ask. I actually think we might lose Pochettino in the summer die to a bigger club wanting him, and as a result we might lose one or two of the better players. Fingers crossed this is just the pessimistic Saints fan of old talking.

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Unless something massively changes I believe that the glass ceiling is very close. We can strengthen further at LB, Str and centre back but pushing up to 6th/7th place could even then still be beyond us.


The worst Manchester United team of our generation is still 5 points ahead of arguably the best Saints team of the same time-frame. To break into that company is an astonishing challenge.

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I certainly feel that we now have the right management team in place to sail the good ship southampton calmly and efficiently on the next leg of its journey to our ultimate destination. With Katrina at the wheel, ably supported by Rogers Reading the maps and Les Reed holding the compass the ships crew has never been more united and focused and this has been reflected in their upturn in performance we have recently witnessed. Katrina has certainly driven us through the choppy water some were predicting and the iceberg that some were insisted we were about to hit a few weeks back appears to be little more than lost, wayward seal which has been clinically dispatched of as the ship continues its course unhindered.


We've got the right combination of ingredients - some young and fresh, some nicely matured.


Our base is fine English stock but expertly blended with a tasty fusion of world cuisine. And our head chef is clever enough to know when there is just a little too much Italian spice.


With experts scouring the world for the next tasty morsel to add to the mix and our owner planning to have us dining at the top table for years to come, it is safe to say Saints have the perfect recipe for success.

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We've got the right combination of ingredients - some young and fresh, some nicely matured.


Our base is fine English stock but expertly blended with a tasty fusion of world cuisine. And our head chef is clever enough to know when there is just a little too much Italian spice.


With experts scouring the world for the next tasty morsel to add to the mix and our owner planning to have us dining at the top table for years to come, it is safe to say Saints have the perfect recipe for success.


For a bit of a **** - That's a top post

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If we keep the Manager and our existing squad then with a couple of astute summer signings there is no reason why we can't compete that the level Everton are.


However, we have big question marks over retaining our Manager and top players right now so before we talk about the next level I'd snap your hand off right now if you offered me keeping our Manager and existing squad for next season.

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I think the next level is displacing Everton or Tottenham, rather than challenging for the top four.

OK, so Cortese's gone but the financial source is still in place.

Our problem will be finding players who have the maturity and brains; but also the stamina to play the MP way.

I would imagine there is a high burn out rate to playing such a pressing game, and it may be in the course of time a more refined approach is required.

Exciting times, without doubt the best period of our recent history.( i.e. since the Premier League started /1992)

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I think the next level is displacing Everton or Tottenham, rather than challenging for the top four.

OK, so Cortese's gone but the financial source is still in place.

Our problem will be finding players who have the maturity and brains; but also the stamina to play the MP way.

I would imagine there is a high burn out rate to playing such a pressing game, and it may be in the course of time a more refined approach is required.

Exciting times, without doubt the best period of our recent history.( i.e. since the Premier League started /1992)


We had a great season of course in 2003 which this season has not emulated but what we had then wasn't sustainable, lost the manager, failed to improve the squad when we needed it and followed it all with **** manager appointments. If we can keep Pochettino and keep the core of the sqaud intake and keep improving it, I think we can challenge for a top 6 spot. The difficulty will be finding players who can compliment and improve what we have already and who can do it in the way which is required.


Potentially more exciting times ahead and a big first step has to be keeping Pochettino.

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We had a great season of course in 2003 which this season has not emulated but what we had then wasn't sustainable, lost the manager, failed to improve the squad when we needed it and followed it all with **** manager appointments. If we can keep Pochettino and keep the core of the sqaud intake and keep improving it, I think we can challenge for a top 6 spot. The difficulty will be finding players who can compliment and improve what we have already and who can do it in the way which is required.


Potentially more exciting times ahead and a big first step has to be keeping Pochettino.


I think we are in a significantly better position financially, in comparison with most of the division, than we were in 2003. The top 4 or 5 are still ahead of us but in comparison with most of the league we are looking good. In 2003, we were punching above our weight.

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We had a great season of course in 2003 which this season has not emulated but what we had then wasn't sustainable, lost the manager, failed to improve the squad when we needed it and followed it all with **** manager appointments. If we can keep Pochettino and keep the core of the sqaud intake and keep improving it, I think we can challenge for a top 6 spot. The difficulty will be finding players who can compliment and improve what we have already and who can do it in the way which is required.


Potentially more exciting times ahead and a big first step has to be keeping Pochettino.


We could still finish 8th (especially as Newcastle have lost their best player) and the cup final is not impossible.


It would be fascinating to see who would prevail in a match between the team of 2003 and our current first eleven.

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We could still finish 8th (especially as Newcastle have lost their best player) and the cup final is not impossible.


It would be fascinating to see who would prevail in a match between the team of 2003 and our current first eleven.


Probably 1-1

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We've got the right combination of ingredients - some young and fresh, some nicely matured.


Our base is fine English stock but expertly blended with a tasty fusion of world cuisine. And our head chef is clever enough to know when there is just a little too much Italian spice.


With experts scouring the world for the next tasty morsel to add to the mix and our owner planning to have us dining at the top table for years to come, it is safe to say Saints have the perfect recipe for success.


Bullshine par excellence! I love it. A perfect recipe indeed.

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Having just read the news that United are going to be receiving £70million a season from Nike and £53million a season from Chevrolet for their shirt sponsorships next season, I think the first thing we need to do is get a new shirt sponsor that can fund us properly. What are we getting from Aap3? Less than £5mil I would wager.

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Probably 1-1


The class of 2014 dominating possession but not having too much space to work in while attacking. The 2003 side staying well organised and work-manly with Brett looking to create space for Beattie on the counter-attack. Fernandes looks the most lively but keeps running into dead ends as Clyne keeps him in his back pocket. The 2014 Saints eventually wear down the 2003 charges, a late consolation for Beattie after he finally gets on the end of a cross is meaningless thanks to the two goals scored midway through the second half by Adam and Rickie.


I'm going 2014 2-1 2003

Edited by Colinjb
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Having just read the news that United are going to be receiving £70million a season from Nike and £53million a season from Chevrolet for their shirt sponsorships next season, I think the first thing we need to do is get a new shirt sponsor that can fund us properly. What are we getting from Aap3? Less than £5mil I would wager.


Do you work for Radio Rentals?


If so, I think you need to move your van.



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If you were a regular in 2003 then you wouldn't need to pose the question. In 2013/14 we are in the very privileged position of watching the Best Saints side Ever.


Sadly not, but thankfully the last part of your statement tells me you are not being serious.

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Having just read the news that United are going to be receiving £70million a season from Nike and £53million a season from Chevrolet for their shirt sponsorships next season, I think the first thing we need to do is get a new shirt sponsor that can fund us properly. What are we getting from Aap3? Less than £5mil I would wager.


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Thought that was in the Championship and went over that when we got promoted? If so that's even worse, that's over £100million we're behind already.


It should've been more, but was renegotiated when aap3 gave notice, and SFC didn't secure a new sponsor for this season.

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I think we could potentially be a Top 6 team the size of perhaps Everton, and I would be happy with that. As long as we have the right ethos at the club of bringing through young players from the club, and not chucking money at mercenaries like Chelski and City do. A couple of forays into Europe over the next decade or so would be great, though I don't hold out much hope of seeing us win the league anytime soon!

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I think there is a chance of moving into the top 6 - no higher than 4th in all likelihood. We need a new GK (backup), CB (partner to Lovren) and experienced striker while Gallagher learns his trade - nothing more. I still feel this team has a lot more to achieve - Mopo and his staff seem to have tapped into whatever it is that motivates our squad and are helping them excel consistently.

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I'm with Charlie Wayman on this......can't believe you would compare the 2003 side with our current side. The current side is entertaining and a joy to watch with lots of young players coming through. The class of 2003 was hard working, a good unit but certainly not exciting or youthful....about the only game I remember (at home) being entertaining that season was when we tore Leeds a new one.


Not sure about the best Saints side ever.....the highlight for me watching Saints was the team that came 2nd.


The current team would blow the 2003 side away at least 3/4 - 0.....that side would never be able to live with the pace, movement or slick passing of the current crop

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The top sides are able to beat those around them in the important games. We've won 1/11 against top half teams which tells it's own story.


They don't also field the likes of K Davis, Gazzaniga, Hooiveld, Yoshida and Fox on a pretty regular basis.


To turn that around you need cold hard cash.


Keeping MP is vital also. There's only 5 managers in the English League that would be suitable replacements and none of them would come here

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I think people are forgetting just how good some of lawrie's sides were. Guys like Bally, KK and Shilts weren't just the best players of their era but in the case of Bally and Shilts in particular , amongst the best Englishmen that have ever played the game. Add to the mix people like Dave Armstrong,Mark Wright , and not forgetting the greatest saints player MC. Lawries sides were also entertaining and the youngsters were on a par with todays. I'm not deriding the modern side as they're certainly the best since lawries day, but man, there were some fantastic football played back then.


Its hard to judge older era players against todays, but Ball and Williams trumps Morgan and Cork , Shilts is head and shoulders above AB, Mick would walk into this side. Im not sure who from this era would get into lawries best side, maybe Lovren and Adam the way he's played this season. Lets just hope we can get a few more years out of most of the guys, they win something and go on to become even better then Lawrie' s . Its certainly the best feeling being a saints fan since the great man left .

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looking at the false team that is everton (best players are loans) I don't think we are too far away.


Striker - Take over the main role with Rickie being rotated.


Attacking Central Midfielder - Davis seems to be in this role and while he is a great bits and pieces player I can't remember the last goal he set up.


Central Defender - Quality player to come in with Dejan with Fonte as back up.

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Without significant and ongoing investment I cant see that we are going to push on to the CL level, Europa league is definately achieveable as early as this season but you do have to wonder whether or not its a real objective this year now. If we find ourselfs playing on too many fronts I think that the damage would be obvious to our team that already works extremely hard.


The main thing will be to keep hold of our prized posessions. Atleast for the next couple of seasons if possible. Should we have to sell then we should be asking for stupid money if, as reported, we are financially sound.


Moving on we need depth. We desperately need a top level striker IMO and probably another CB on the same level as Lovren. We have also seen how important Boruc is so thats another area of concern.

Top four is not completely out of reach for anyone but it would take a phenominal effort, massive investment and probably a poor season from one of the established sides.

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We're obviously doing very very well, keeping possession, playing good attractive football. But what do we need to take us to the next level and see us push on for a Europa League (or better) next season?


I think we need another CB, CM, and Forward. Don't think we need, or will see a raft of signings in the summer, so long as we keep our key assets.

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Please redirect your post to :-


Miss Katharina Leibherr, c/o Southampton F.C.


No point in "Dreaming" until we know what the Owner's plans are


( Don't hold your breath )

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Not sure we could easily sign a CB that would displace Fonte or improve the team? We could certainly do with strengthening here squad-wise but not sure new man would be a guaranteed improvement or that the Lovren/Fonte combo has been a source of weakness this season? Much bigger priorities for me would be a top GK and a really consistent, pacey striker; if we had been able to field a top line GK every game this season, Yoshi had played instead of Hoiveld where needed (weird decision?) and Osvaldo had scored 20 goals we could have been top-6 this season.

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when you consider the vast sums of money that clubs like (Chelsea. Man City and United) have spent over the years, you see that buying the " world's best " prospects (Ronaldo, Van Persie, Rooney) and the inumerable South-Americans who play in the Prem.) can be worthwhile, but spending " big money " for the sake of it isn't always the answer.


Go back a dozen years or so and see what happened when Rupert Lowe thought he was doing the right thing when he paid out £3.5 million for Agustin Delgado. The incoming manager (Gordon Strachan) said he had no say in the matter as it was " a done deal " before he'd arrived. Strachan rarely played AG, even though the Equadorian managed to turn out for his country and even went to the World Cup and scored a goal, he never settled in at SMS.


There are those today who question WHO decided to buy Ramirez? ..and precisely WHY? (as it seems it wasn't Adkins).....and although MP had Osvaldo in a former club many years ago, it was obvious the he was a " big fish out of water" in the Prem. Perhaps one day, we may buy a big name player who will become legend instead of a laughing stock, but the fact remains that the best "committee" is composed of those football scouts who can spot a talented 8 year-old ...... and picture him playing first team football 10 years later.


Call it.... Academy / Youth scheme / School of Excellence ....or what you will, but those aging men with an eye for a future star who stand on touchlines on a wet Sunday mornings watching schoolboy matches are probably some of the best judges of talent than anyone on a " so-called " committee.


In Saints' case, (with rare exceptions) ......the overwhelming number of club legends, top performers, goalscorers were young talents skilfully recruited from within the UK.

Those " foreign " imports of greatest success were often bought for a song who " fitted in well " and then developed later within the club.


The main difference nowadays is that the starting age has become considerably much lower. Our current (and probably) future crop of first team players from the Academy are evidence of that.

Edited by david in sweden
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Pretty much as has been said before, we need to keep what we've got most importantly. We then need a striker, an attacking midfielder, a centre back and a keeper. That would cost about 40 million plus wages. We will hopefully recoup about 15 million from osvaldo, so need a net spend of 25 million. If that happens, we can reach about 6th I'd guess, possibly higher. We've only been outplayed once this season as far as I can recall (home to Chelsea) so are good enough, but we don't have the depth or level of options to be close to the top 4. And I can't imagine united or spurs being so poor next season.

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Not sure we could easily sign a CB that would displace Fonte or improve the team? We could certainly do with strengthening here squad-wise but not sure new man would be a guaranteed improvement or that the Lovren/Fonte combo has been a source of weakness this season? Much bigger priorities for me would be a top GK and a really consistent, pacey striker; if we had been able to field a top line GK every game this season, Yoshi had played instead of Hoiveld where needed (weird decision?) and Osvaldo had scored 20 goals we could have been top-6 this season.


I agree with you on that point, but if Lovren were to be out for 6 months instead of 6 weeks; I'd want a better alternative available than Jos Hooiveld - wouldn't you? (nothing personal Jos)


Likewise we have recently seen the outcome of results whilst Boruc was out for a couple of months....with no adequate substitute. Several Prem. sides have upto 3 international keepers on their books.


Those who were screamimg for us to sell Jack Cork two months ago will notice that (on recent showings).. Victor Wanyama will have a tough task to regain his place.


Having a good first team (even without a Ramirez and Osvaldo) has proven OK, but we need players on the bench of equal ability to replace / challenge for places in emergencies.

Edited by david in sweden
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Assuming that we finish 8th or 9th this season then the next level could realistically only be 6th or 7th IMO !

Arse, Chelski, City, Utd and a resurgent Liverpool should be gauranteed as top 5 which only leaves Everton, Spurs, Newcastle to compete with !

Even this is a very big ask, but possible only if we retain our best players and add 3 or 4 more top quality additions !

Going to be difficult to improve on this season particularly if we manage to progress further in the FA cup !

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