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Long - Thoughts?

St Marco

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Remember some threads on Osvaldo where he got a roasting http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?48724-Osvaldo-to-Juventus-(Confirmed)&highlight=Osvaldo#.VDGKWU10yUk


So was wondering what those who slated him think of Shane Long so far? Think he is our second/third highest transfer in the history of our club?


Personally I think he has not exactly been given many opportunities to start games. Only had 4 from 8 starts. So a little unfair to judge him but can base some initial thoughts.


In the PL index he is currently ranked 250 of 280 players. Total of 316 minutes played. Which is on average 40 minutes a game. And of course no goals.


I give the lad credit for his work ethic, he does try and get involved. But I don't think so far he has shown anywhere near £12m-£13m worth of ability. With Osvaldo you could at least see he was a class player, he just rarely turned it on for us. I don't think many people will be surprised to see he has gone on to score 4 goals from 3 starts and 3 assists for Inter.


Long was not worth half of what we paid for him in my opinion.

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Remember some threads on Osvaldo where he got a roasting http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?48724-Osvaldo-to-Juventus-(Confirmed)&highlight=Osvaldo#.VDGKWU10yUk


So was wondering what those who slated him think of Shane Long so far? Think he is our second/third highest transfer in the history of our club?


Personally I think he has not exactly been given many opportunities to start games. Only had 4 from 8 starts. So a little unfair to judge him but can base some initial thoughts.


In the PL index he is currently ranked 250 of 280 players. Total of 316 minutes played. Which is on average 40 minutes a game. And of course no goals.


I give the lad credit for his work ethic, he does try and get involved. But I don't think so far he has shown anywhere near £12m-£13m worth of ability. With Osvaldo you could at least see he was a class player, he just rarely turned it on for us. I don't think many people will be surprised to see he has gone on to score 4 goals from 3 starts and 3 assists for Inter.


Long was not worth half of what we paid for him in my opinion.


I think he has had a solid start, but I think some fans have jumped on his back too soon. For example, at arsenal somebody next to me went mental at long for wasting a cross into the box when in fact it was tadic. Some of the abuse was a bit strong, and after I mentioned that it was tadic the response was 'oh that's ok then'. Clearly Shane is suffering from the huge price tag, but I'm hoping he doesn't become another guly

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Like most people, I think we overpaid for him but he's still a valuable asset and will prove his worth over the next six months.


If Mané is going to keep drifting inside and negating (what seem to be) his own strengths I'd rather have Long in there. Long can read the play inside and can therefore play off Pelle, neither of which seem to be strengths for Mané.


But then Long doesn't have the burning pace and trickery that Mané has out wide, and he wouldn't link up as well with Bertrand.


Tadic, for me, has looked better on the left.


I think we're witnessing Koeman trying to find his best line-up, and I'm sure he drew some strong pointers from today. For a team containing so many new faces, it might be a few weeks before they find their roles and really settle in.

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Transfer fee was all wrong but give him time. Obviously the committee saw something in him they liked... A Koeman plan B perhaps?


Either way thought he looked lively when he came on against QPR. With him, Tadic, Mané, Pellè, JRod and the likes of Isgrove, Gallagher and JWP, our attacking options look strong. So does our midfield and defence. Good times ahead. 10 goals is the quota I'm looking for from Long though, appearances pending, for this season.

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I'm calling bull**** on that one. Long has natural pace and stamina that many pro footballers don't have. It's harder than it looks


Lol I never said I'd do it as well as him.

To be fair if mane had scored his sitter today, Long would've played a key part in the goal.

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People are too obsessed with his price. Discuss his contribution to the team instead...


Yes indeed.


I agree in principle but its awfully difficult isn't it?


I mean, he's adding nothing more than fresh legs off the bench and a 'pest-factor' that could be achieved by Mayuka or probably McQueen to a similar extent.


The fact that we've dusted off more money on him than was spent on Rodriguez, Mane, Ramirez, Lovren and (I think) even Wanyama, all of whom have been held to the standard expressed by how much they've cost us, does grate fairly hard, especially when he's not ever going to compete for a starting spot with any of the front three, and won't even be first reserve behind whoever it is we drop for Rodriguez once he's back.


Ultimately you can't analyse Long without considering the money that was spent; mainly because that money could have been spent more effectively elsewhere.


Besides which, where do you draw the line? If we had spent £30Mn on Shane Long would it be possible for anyone to analyse him regardless of the fee? Of course not. Its just plain old idealism to think any player can escape the inevitable judgement that comes with the money.

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Before everyone gets on his case about the price tag, just remember that the price of pl players seemed to double this summer. You cannot hang the lad for that.


he will do a competent job for us this year.


Yep, the club wanted to buy a player who wasn't being actively marketed, of course we had to pay over the odds. Can't blame Long for that, and we benefited from the same effect with the players that left SMS.

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Yep, the club wanted to buy a player who wasn't being actively marketed, of course we had to pay over the odds. Can't blame Long for that, and we benefited from the same effect with the players that left SMS.


Lovren cost a lot more and is being slated by Liverhampton supporters. Dont think he has the "not played much yet" excuse either. Lol

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Wasnt impressed when we bought him and he hasnt really changed my mind on that,

His best asset seems to be drawing free kicks from going down easy, his finishing has been tame so far like the one on one against qpr, so far he has been busy but not a lot else.

I do think there is more to come from him,ive seen him have much better games then this with west brom but at the same time it was a steep fee for a player we didnt need, the money would have been better spent on a back up striker in case pelle gets injured. Oh and lastly id have been much happier to see what koeman coukd of got out of gaston ramirez.

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Needs more freedom to make those runs inside like Rodriguez would do from the left. The wide players don't seem to have quite as much freedom to rotate as last season, but that's what he needs to do because he isn't anything like a winger. Hopefully he can break his duck against Sunderland and get going

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He's decent enough, would play him instead of Mane.


Ridiculous - Mané has probably been our most dangerous attacking over the past two games. Long is a mediocre grafter who's shown no real talent on the left or right. If he's to play anywhere, it's down the middle.

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Ridiculous - Mané has probably been our most dangerous attacking over the past two games. Long is a mediocre grafter who's shown no real talent on the left or right. If he's to play anywhere, it's down the middle.


I don't think it's ridiculous. Mane has done pretty well, but Long has been decent enough when he has come on in recent games. Good ball in for the Pelle QPR goal for example, and he is playing out wide which isnt really a familiar position.


Already noted on his ability to win headers which is impressive given his height, but more important is that i think he links well with Pelle - he reads his flicks and knock-downs really well and if he starts the next couple of games i'd expect him to get in and grab a goal.


I also think Mane would have a good impact from the bench with his pace when games are little more stretched. Both have got a case for starting games, which is a nice position for us to be in.


Rather than talk about how Long will be nowhere near it when JRod is fit, i'd prefer to look at it as the depth that will give us up top. Long will probably be sat on the bench, but he'll still get plenty of game time, possibly as more direct competition for Pelle rather than the wide role he's got at the moment.

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I think Mane needs to get used to how we play a bit more, he was hit and miss at Arsenal, did well to win the pen, was dangerous vs Qpr but didn't think he actually achieved too much, and yesterday I thought he was poor, long is more reliable.


That back-heel assist was alright ;)

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I also keep remembering how we shuddered when he was in a lineup against us. One of those players you'd rather have inside the tent p*ssing out than outside it p*ssing in. I wasn't chuffed when he joined, but got to say I think he'll turn out to be a very good signing.

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