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Fraser Forster Joins on 4 Year Deal - Official


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Thought he's worth his own thread.





Apprently derisory, if so what's the point of making such a low offer? Sort of shows the club up in way, I dunno what do yous guys thinks?



Ha! Didn't notice the z shame I didn't double check his first name like I did his last!

Edited by Wrensup
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I think his name is Fraser....


Seriously it's common practice to go in low and then the bid gets negotiated up. That way you don't overpay unnecessarily and unless they have a release clause in their contract the first bid is normally going to be lower than the selling club want as the buying club are testing the water.

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I get the whole thing of not offering what people want first but it seems a pretty pointless excercise to make a bid you know full well isn't going to be accepted. It's not like FM where you click a button and if they say no click a couple more and make a new bid with 20 seconds. Also Celtic are well within their rights to demand top whack for him. Good young keeper who is a key player for them.

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I get the whole thing of not offering what people want first but it seems a pretty pointless excercise to make a bid you know full well isn't going to be accepted. It's not like FM where you click a button and if they say no click a couple more and make a new bid with 20 seconds. Also Celtic are well within their rights to demand top whack for him. Good young keeper who is a key player for them.
Whilst agreeing with the general sentiment of your post, it is also very difficult to know in advance what people want for a player isn't it? I imagine there is a certain amount of information exchange before a bid, but if Celtic did intimate that they would be willing to sell, it would not be in their interest to name a price straight away any more than it would be in our interest to start off high. Although it is not FM, there is still a certain amount of wheeler dealer activity before a fee is agreed (unless a release clause is involved).
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Whilst agreeing with the general sentiment of your post, it is also very difficult to know in advance what people want for a player isn't it? I imagine there is a certain amount of information exchange before a bid, but if Celtic did intimate that they would be willing to sell, it would not be in their interest to name a price straight away any more than it would be in our interest to start off high. Although it is not FM, there is still a certain amount of wheeler dealer activity before a fee is agreed (unless a release clause is involved).


Exactly, well surmised.

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Whilst agreeing with the general sentiment of your post, it is also very difficult to know in advance what people want for a player isn't it? I imagine there is a certain amount of information exchange before a bid, but if Celtic did intimate that they would be willing to sell, it would not be in their interest to name a price straight away any more than it would be in our interest to start off high. Although it is not FM, there is still a certain amount of wheeler dealer activity before a fee is agreed (unless a release clause is involved).


Surely we'd do our due dilligence before making a bid. Sound his agent out if he'd be open to a move, what fee would they want, how much he'd want, speak to people at the selling club when we make an enquiry so we dont waste time on a player whose wages/fee is well beyond what we are willing to go to. I would be amazed and very disapointed if this didn't happen and we plucked a figure of the sky and hoped they'd accept it.

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Surely we'd do our due dilligence before making a bid. Sound his agent out if he'd be open to a move, what fee would they want, how much he'd want, speak to people at the selling club when we make an enquiry so we dont waste time on a player whose wages/fee is well beyond what we are willing to go to. I would be amazed and very disapointed if this didn't happen and we plucked a figure of the sky and hoped they'd accept it.


Exactly. The formal bids are usually the last thing in the process.


Its only Sunderland that do it a different way apparently.

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Celtic forumeen to think he'll be off for about £8m and that our initial offer was £3.5m plus add-ons. They paid £2m for him and Newcastle have a 25% (I think) sell on fee so that offer definitely falls into the 'derisory' camp.


They all seem pretty sure he's coming here though so that's good I guess...

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Thought he's worth his own thread.





Apprently derisory, if so what's the point of making such a low offer? Sort of shows the club up in way, I dunno what do yous guys thinks?



Ha! Didn't notice the z shame I didn't double check his first name like I did his last!

Would make us look far more foolish to offer top money first off. Trying to make a bargain is hardly foolish behaviour. Don't see how FF will join us though, its well known that players leave us to get CL football, not the other way round. FF already has CL football, in fact has already played twice this season I believe, against a top club (in Iceland) that must make it all worthwhile. next up Warsaw or St Paddys.

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Would make us look far more foolish to offer top money first off. Trying to make a bargain is hardly foolish behaviour. Don't see how FF will join us though, its well known that players leave us to get CL football, not the other way round. FF already has CL football, in fact has already played twice this season I believe, against a top club (in Iceland) that must make it all worthwhile. next up Warsaw or St Paddys.


Victor Wanyama. But I suppose your post is just a dig at the club because of course the players didn't leave for more money, bigger clubs and CL football, no they left because Southampton are the next Newport County.

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Celtic forumeen to think he'll be off for about £8m and that our initial offer was £3.5m plus add-ons. They paid £2m for him and Newcastle have a 25% (I think) sell on fee so that offer definitely falls into the 'derisory' camp.


They all seem pretty sure he's coming here though so that's good I guess...

Got a link? Usually a good laugh.


Happy with Forster as a keeper, but don't think his kicking is great from what I've seen of him?

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Don't think he is better than Boruc, derisory is as high as I would go.

On what basis are you making that pronouncement? If you had watched the Celtic v Barcelona - correction - Forster v Barcelona game you would see why he is so highly rated. I would certainly put him ahead of Boruc who is as capable of monumental screw-ups as many other keepers (Arsenal away anyone?)

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I get the whole thing of not offering what people want first but it seems a pretty pointless excercise to make a bid you know full well isn't going to be accepted. It's not like FM where you click a button and if they say no click a couple more and make a new bid with 20 seconds. Also Celtic are well within their rights to demand top whack for him. Good young keeper who is a key player for them.


Those justifying our derisory bid are probably the same ones that moaned about Liverpool's derisory offers for Lamebert, Lallana and Lovren, as well as United's for Shaw. Some people cannot remove their red and white spectacles; they only ever see these situations for the benefit of our club.

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Surely we'd do our due dilligence before making a bid. Sound his agent out if he'd be open to a move, what fee would they want, how much he'd want, speak to people at the selling club when we make an enquiry so we dont waste time on a player whose wages/fee is well beyond what we are willing to go to. I would be amazed and very disapointed if this didn't happen and we plucked a figure of the sky and hoped they'd accept it.
So what do you think we did when we arrived at our initial opening bid? Are you "amazed and very disappointed" because you think they plucked a figure out of the sky, or do you think they arrived at the figure after some due diligence?
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Victor Wanyama. But I suppose your post is just a dig at the club because of course the players didn't leave for more money, bigger clubs and CL football, no they left because Southampton are the next Newport County.


They already are, to me. :adore:


BTW Newport County have a multi-millionaire lottery winner on the board.

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Great thread thanks. I am just compiling a list of those who believe that we really should start off by offering a figure that is at least as much as a selling club want, and maybe a little more, to make sure we land the player straight away and dont bring any "derision" on SFC. I will certainly offer this list of people first choice to buy my car, house, or anything else that I may sell in future. cheers

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Much prefer we bargained as hard as possible with transfers fees in and out. Any savings could then be passed on to the fans in the form of cheaper tickets. Fat chance.


Like the Swansea game?

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Much prefer we bargained as hard as possible with transfers fees in and out. Any savings could then be passed on to the fans in the form of cheaper tickets. Fat chance.


Ticket prices are NEVER going to come down while FFP rules are in place. If you want to have good players, they need good wages and we have to live within our means. Say we get 30k per match, knocking £5 off the 19 home league games would equal £2.85m or the wages of one top earning player.

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Great thread thanks. I am just compiling a list of those who believe that we really should start off by offering a figure that is at least as much as a selling club want, and maybe a little more, to make sure we land the player straight away and dont bring any "derision" on SFC. I will certainly offer this list of people first choice to buy my car, house, or anything else that I may sell in future. cheers


Are these the same people who are regularly "embarrassed" by our club?


A good friend of mine was his coach at school in Newcastle and said he would be ideal for us when the Liebherr's took us over. He then went to Norwich on loan and played against us in the league and the JPT that season.

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I wouldn't be upset if we didn't get Forster, although I hope we have some decent alternatives.


For me, Forster's biggest asset is being 6' 15" or whatever the hell he is. From what I've seen of him, his reading is questionable and he is (as tall keepers usually are) vulnerable to low shots. He could get away with those weaknesses in the SPL and playing for Celtic, but they would be ruthlessly exposed down here.


And it's really important that we get this one right because Boruc's weaknesses (poor distribution and frequent brain f*rts) hurt us last year, and IMO we should really be looking for a starter rather than a back up.

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For me, Forster's biggest asset is being 6' 15" or whatever the hell he is. From what I've seen of him, his reading is questionable and he is (as tall keepers usually are) vulnerable to low shots. He could get away with those weaknesses in the SPL and playing for Celtic, but they would be ruthlessly exposed down here..

FFS, dyslexic gaolkeepers need not pally.

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Saints in 'frustrated in doing business quietly shocker.

That's the name of the game these days, though. As soon as any bid is received and the selling club knows they're probably going to have to accept a bid at some point, they'll be leaking the story left, right and centre to encourage a bidding war.


Can you imagine us sneaking through a deal like we did with Keegan back in the 80s in the modern era? It would be impossible.

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Over the season Boruc was an important player and got us far more points than he cost us. 2 main errors, Arsenal and Stoke. Arsenal we'd have done very well to get anything out of anyway. Stoke was a freak goal and the team had 90 minutes to put it right.


Could have done better at Sunderland with Johnson's goal + the above. But overall I thought he was very good, and our season ended when he broke his hand.

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For a player with the Footballing Holy Grail tag of having played Champions League, when he was given a bash between the sticks for England I felt that he was as much a Rabbit in the headlights as Gazza has often been for us.


Been away for a few week so not fully up to speed on ALL the goings on, what happened with our rumoured interest in Marshall as considering the rubbish being played in front of him he came out of Cardiff's relegation smelling not too bad.

Edited by John Boy Saint
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